August 16, 2010
So this week was a busy hot week as you can tell from the title!
we started the week off by going to a little village outside of
tbilisi that look like a ghost town fro p-day. it was tinier than my
neighborhood. it was hot and dry and the road to get to it resembled
the trails i go four-wheeling on. it was an adventure.
then we went through the week finding new people to teach and teaching the ones we
already found. we started a new thing for the missionaries. due to
the problems we have had with members, we have decided that by the end
of the month we are going to visit every member on the branch list.
the old and new, everyone. so we have been going around the city with a map
and a list and finding them and been
trying to figure out what is up with them.... it has been long work.
we also came up with a new finding way. we decided we needed families
in the church and so we made a billion copies of the Family
Proclamation in georgian and now we go around just handing them out to
any one we see with a family. a father in the park with his kids; we
go talk to him... a mother pushing a stoller with a new born; we go
talk to the. so the work has picked up so good!!!
we found this one guy with a 5 month old daughter and a wife, the biggest thing in
his life is family so we have been showing him how families are the
biggest thing to God. it is so good!!! they are so nice!! we also
found this week an old convert, who was baptized 10 years ago in
russia and didn't know the church was here when he moved here 5 years
ago. we found him on the street and he told us he knew Brigham Young,
and we though "how the heck does this guy know Brigham Young?" "no
one here even knows the MORMONS" so he came to church on sunday and
turns out he is a member. he brought all his certificates and photos.
he also has the priesthood so that is another priesthood leader for
the church!! so good!! so we are being blessed through these hard
times by finding the right people. it is hard but the reward of
happiness is greater in the end!!!
so then on sunday we had an amazing sacrament meeting! President Hyke
(B.P. who is georgian) and President Southwick(senior couple) and all
6 missionaries gave a talk about why we are here, what we gave up to
be here, how we earned our money to be here, and our testimony. all
the members think we are all american billionaires who come for fun.
SORRY but i have never seen a million dollars in my life!!! so they
got the picture we are here to serve and to do the work of the LORD.
it was really powerful!!
so i am doing better. the ankle is getting stronger and so am i HA HA
HA slowly slowly getting the muscles HA HA HA i almost have a six
pack. i just need to divide my "one big keg" into "6 little packs" HA
so the weather is deathly hot but we survive :) it will start to cool down here next month.
still lots of people are out at the villages, so that is no fun LOL oh well we still
pound it!!!
Well have a good week and have fun!!!! LOVE YOU ALL!!!
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Back to Tbilisi!
Yay, he's back in Georgia! He was going crazy being cooped up in the office, so we are thrilled to hear his ankle is healing and he's back in the country he loves.
August 9, 2010
so today i am writting from the heart of Georgia.... Tbilisi!! HA HA
HA it feels so good to be back here!! i love it! so this week was a
crazy one... first i was staying with the office elders but then we
had transferrs and we got rid of the office elders so i went and
stayed with the A.P.s for 3 days, then my ankle got better so i got
moved back to GEORGIA!!!! i have been moving a ton this last week! i
am so glad that i am finally home and settled for a while!! it is
good! i had some good times in Armenia but is is no Georgia so i am
bouncing off the walls that i am here!!! i was given the ok to come
back to Georgia on Friday, as long as i take it easy for a bit! i was
down for that so here i am, it is going to be SO HARD to take it easy
for a while but i will try my best HA HA HA i am glad to be back with
Elder Hartley and kickin it strong. (don't worry i am not kickin
anything; it is just an expression) ;) i liked Armenia but it was no
Georgia! this is my home!
so on Friday Elder Hartley baptized our
investigator Nona (cuz i was not there) and then on Saturday when i
came back to Georgia with President Carter, we had a zone conference
in georgia (which was a suprise and totally unplanned ) and
then on Sunday i got to confirm Nona and also President and Sister
Carter spoke in Sacrement Meeting. so this weekend was a good one!!!
i loved it!!
lots of changes have happened since i left..... our
elders quorum presidency (all 3 of them) have disappeared, no one, not
even family know wherer they are or anything about them..., our relief
society president is also missing. so now everything is on the Branch
President and us missionaries. it was really bad when President
Carter came to speak and there was only 8 membeers there when we
usually have 35 there. so the work is at a stand still now..... we
will get it going again here this week, that is our goal.
so i am glad to be back and having fun in the HOT sun!!! it is so hot
here. i get out of a cold shower and i am already sweating like i just
ran 20 miles!!!! HA HA HA things are good!!
August 9, 2010
so today i am writting from the heart of Georgia.... Tbilisi!! HA HA
HA it feels so good to be back here!! i love it! so this week was a
crazy one... first i was staying with the office elders but then we
had transferrs and we got rid of the office elders so i went and
stayed with the A.P.s for 3 days, then my ankle got better so i got
moved back to GEORGIA!!!! i have been moving a ton this last week! i
am so glad that i am finally home and settled for a while!! it is
good! i had some good times in Armenia but is is no Georgia so i am
bouncing off the walls that i am here!!! i was given the ok to come
back to Georgia on Friday, as long as i take it easy for a bit! i was
down for that so here i am, it is going to be SO HARD to take it easy
for a while but i will try my best HA HA HA i am glad to be back with
Elder Hartley and kickin it strong. (don't worry i am not kickin
anything; it is just an expression) ;) i liked Armenia but it was no
Georgia! this is my home!
so on Friday Elder Hartley baptized our
investigator Nona (cuz i was not there) and then on Saturday when i
came back to Georgia with President Carter, we had a zone conference
in georgia (which was a suprise and totally unplanned ) and
then on Sunday i got to confirm Nona and also President and Sister
Carter spoke in Sacrement Meeting. so this weekend was a good one!!!
i loved it!!
lots of changes have happened since i left..... our
elders quorum presidency (all 3 of them) have disappeared, no one, not
even family know wherer they are or anything about them..., our relief
society president is also missing. so now everything is on the Branch
President and us missionaries. it was really bad when President
Carter came to speak and there was only 8 membeers there when we
usually have 35 there. so the work is at a stand still now..... we
will get it going again here this week, that is our goal.
so i am glad to be back and having fun in the HOT sun!!! it is so hot
here. i get out of a cold shower and i am already sweating like i just
ran 20 miles!!!! HA HA HA things are good!!
Moved to Armenia
Scott was moved to the mission home in Armenia for a few weeks so the mission president could watch his ankle closely. He got to try out being an office elder for awhle... needless to say I think he preferred being out in the field :)
Also, this week marked the 1 year anniversary of Scott leaving on his mission- he entered the MTC on July 22, 2009. He is counting from his arrival in Georgia, which wasn't until October, but it has officially been a year since we last hugged our missionary!
July 26, 2010
well hello my fellow kins men!!
how are you all doing?
so this last week i got moved into the mission office. i am now in
armeina not in georgia anymore.. i have still been having problems
with my ankle so i will be an office elder till we figure out what is
wrong. i don't know how long that will be. so for now i am on
crutches and hopping along and havin fun in the office. i miss being
out on the street and the work in georgia.... so this week was a slow
one, i left my fellow georgians and am now sitting in the office. God
gives us some crazy trials sometimes lol
well i hope that you all are doing good and better that me, may God be with you this week!!!
Also, this week marked the 1 year anniversary of Scott leaving on his mission- he entered the MTC on July 22, 2009. He is counting from his arrival in Georgia, which wasn't until October, but it has officially been a year since we last hugged our missionary!
July 26, 2010
well hello my fellow kins men!!
how are you all doing?
so this last week i got moved into the mission office. i am now in
armeina not in georgia anymore.. i have still been having problems
with my ankle so i will be an office elder till we figure out what is
wrong. i don't know how long that will be. so for now i am on
crutches and hopping along and havin fun in the office. i miss being
out on the street and the work in georgia.... so this week was a slow
one, i left my fellow georgians and am now sitting in the office. God
gives us some crazy trials sometimes lol
well i hope that you all are doing good and better that me, may God be with you this week!!!
Another injury...
June was a busy month for Elder Johnson- so much so that I didn't get a decent email for the whole rest of the month :) But now it's July and he's back!
Well, his knee healed up so nicely, he decided to go ahead and kill his ankle playing soccer on p-day. It was a long term injury this time, he was off it for several weeks and there was the possibility he would need surgery. Again, faith and prayer and fasting pulled him through.
July 19, 2010
ok so this week was a long filled week!!!
it started off with being laid up because of my ankle and so i was
down the first half of the week. just sitting around reading and
doing not much. well then on Friday with only 3 days left in the week
i threw my cane across the room starting doing physical therapy,
starting moving my ankle and we went out and got 14 meetings in 3
days!!!! we talked to 121 people on the street and found 3 new
investigators. i am finally tired of being laid up so i am doing
something to change that. my ankle still hurts and is weak but i have
to do my part to receive the lord's part. so i deal with it and go
out to work. i still have to take it easy and can't e on it for long
period of time but we will see how this moving it helps it out.
we got so many people to listen to us and to come to church. the
people we met all came to church on Sunday!!! so
our sacrament service was full!! it was awesome!!!
so this week was good!!!
i got my ankle to move and a little progress there and got to spread
the gospel with literally hundreds of people! great week!!!
so hope you are well and having fun!!!!
Well, his knee healed up so nicely, he decided to go ahead and kill his ankle playing soccer on p-day. It was a long term injury this time, he was off it for several weeks and there was the possibility he would need surgery. Again, faith and prayer and fasting pulled him through.
July 19, 2010
ok so this week was a long filled week!!!
it started off with being laid up because of my ankle and so i was
down the first half of the week. just sitting around reading and
doing not much. well then on Friday with only 3 days left in the week
i threw my cane across the room starting doing physical therapy,
starting moving my ankle and we went out and got 14 meetings in 3
days!!!! we talked to 121 people on the street and found 3 new
investigators. i am finally tired of being laid up so i am doing
something to change that. my ankle still hurts and is weak but i have
to do my part to receive the lord's part. so i deal with it and go
out to work. i still have to take it easy and can't e on it for long
period of time but we will see how this moving it helps it out.
we got so many people to listen to us and to come to church. the
people we met all came to church on Sunday!!! so
our sacrament service was full!! it was awesome!!!
so this week was good!!!
i got my ankle to move and a little progress there and got to spread
the gospel with literally hundreds of people! great week!!!
so hope you are well and having fun!!!!
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Time flies...
Hopefully this upcoming zone conference with Elder Scott is awesome! We love hearing Scott's upbeat attitude, and the good news about his investigators.
June 7, 2010
So this last week was a quick one. things went pretty fast this week.
it was good! so first on monday we went up to the mother of georgia.
it is this big huge statue of this lady holding a sword (for her
enemies and some grapes for her friends). it is pretty cool! we had a
fun time up there!
so then the other days were good. we had some good
meetings and some bad ones. what can you do but go with it and pray
that next week you have more good ones then bad ones and it keeps
improving every week. :) we did have another baptism in georgia this
week. do you remember valodia? he was one of my investigators in back
in Isani, when i first got in the country. well he finally quit
smoking so he could be baptized. it was way good! it was a good
so things in saburtalo are going good. the work is slow
now cuz everyone is leaving to the villages. during the summer
Tbilisi is so hot!! everyone leaves and go to the towns all around
georgia where it is cooler. so we stay here and work with the few
that stay.... it is slow. ya the weather this last week has been
hot!!! like 98 with 25% humidity. i wake up in the morning so
exhausted and drench in sweat i look like i just swam a race! lol
they might as well make swimming allowed here HA HA HA everyone tells
me that in august it gets more hot! i am going to die if it does! i
am not one who does well in the heat. i'll take the cold any day!
good news though... it is raining right now so that makes me happy!!!
so this week we are going to Armenia on friday! Elder Scott for the
Quorum of the 12 Apostles is coming and we get a one on one meeting
with him!! i am so excited!! and then afterwards we are having a huge
conference with all of the members and everyone else! i am so
excited!! it will be neat! this will be my second time seeing him on
my mission! saw him in the MTC. it is going to be BE-AWSEOME!!!
so i am good and love you!!!
June 7, 2010
So this last week was a quick one. things went pretty fast this week.
it was good! so first on monday we went up to the mother of georgia.
it is this big huge statue of this lady holding a sword (for her
enemies and some grapes for her friends). it is pretty cool! we had a
fun time up there!
so then the other days were good. we had some good
meetings and some bad ones. what can you do but go with it and pray
that next week you have more good ones then bad ones and it keeps
improving every week. :) we did have another baptism in georgia this
week. do you remember valodia? he was one of my investigators in back
in Isani, when i first got in the country. well he finally quit
smoking so he could be baptized. it was way good! it was a good
so things in saburtalo are going good. the work is slow
now cuz everyone is leaving to the villages. during the summer
Tbilisi is so hot!! everyone leaves and go to the towns all around
georgia where it is cooler. so we stay here and work with the few
that stay.... it is slow. ya the weather this last week has been
hot!!! like 98 with 25% humidity. i wake up in the morning so
exhausted and drench in sweat i look like i just swam a race! lol
they might as well make swimming allowed here HA HA HA everyone tells
me that in august it gets more hot! i am going to die if it does! i
am not one who does well in the heat. i'll take the cold any day!
good news though... it is raining right now so that makes me happy!!!
so this week we are going to Armenia on friday! Elder Scott for the
Quorum of the 12 Apostles is coming and we get a one on one meeting
with him!! i am so excited!! and then afterwards we are having a huge
conference with all of the members and everyone else! i am so
excited!! it will be neat! this will be my second time seeing him on
my mission! saw him in the MTC. it is going to be BE-AWSEOME!!!
so i am good and love you!!!
Zone Conference in Georgia
May 31, 2010
so this last week was amazing!!! we had zone conference in Georgia
this time! so everyone came up here! it was fun! it was good to see
everyone from the south that we never see. well it was our last time
to meet with President Dunn. he is leaving on the 1st of july and so
this was the last time to meet with him. it was good! he is such an
amazing man! on the exciting note..... Elder Scott form the 12
apostles is coming to Armenia next week... the 11 through the 13 and so we get to
go down and have a big conference with him!!! this will be the second
time seeing him on my mission! it will be awesome!!! i am excited!
so this last week was alright. it was a quick one! after zone
conference we went to Nana's house and made khinkali (georgian
food!!!) it is the best!! so i learned how to make it and now i want
to start a business in the U.S. making it and other good food!!! i am
seriously thinkin about it :)
so things are good here. the weather
is hot and really humid. i am so tired at the end of the day. it is
crazy. so the work is slow because people are going to the villages
for the summer so it is hard cuz there is very few here. so we will
so i am doing good! i am healthy and loving it!!!
be safe all of you and know that i love you!!!
so this last week was amazing!!! we had zone conference in Georgia
this time! so everyone came up here! it was fun! it was good to see
everyone from the south that we never see. well it was our last time
to meet with President Dunn. he is leaving on the 1st of july and so
this was the last time to meet with him. it was good! he is such an
amazing man! on the exciting note..... Elder Scott form the 12
apostles is coming to Armenia next week... the 11 through the 13 and so we get to
go down and have a big conference with him!!! this will be the second
time seeing him on my mission! it will be awesome!!! i am excited!
so this last week was alright. it was a quick one! after zone
conference we went to Nana's house and made khinkali (georgian
food!!!) it is the best!! so i learned how to make it and now i want
to start a business in the U.S. making it and other good food!!! i am
seriously thinkin about it :)
so things are good here. the weather
is hot and really humid. i am so tired at the end of the day. it is
crazy. so the work is slow because people are going to the villages
for the summer so it is hard cuz there is very few here. so we will
so i am doing good! i am healthy and loving it!!!
be safe all of you and know that i love you!!!
May 24, 2010
So this last week marked 10 months on the mission. 10 months away from you all!! wow time flies when you are serving the Lord!
Love Elder Johnson
So this last week marked 10 months on the mission. 10 months away from you all!! wow time flies when you are serving the Lord!
Love Elder Johnson
Mother's Day
Talking to Scott on Mother's Day was the highlight of our MONTH! We got to skype with him- he looked so good, so happy to be there. It was really great to see his face, we've been missing him!
May 17, 2010
so this last two weeks have gone by really slow!! first glad i got to
talk to my family on mothers day and that was amazing!!! i got to use
Skype so i was able to see them. they look good!! Nate is a lot
This week, we went to Brojomi which is a little village out
of Tbilisi and so we did not get to e-mail last week. so then
i was down all week cuz the work was going slow. i spent all week on
the street. i had a total of 10 lessons in the week. that is not
good. so i did a lot of walking and a lot of talking.
well then this last week the worked picked up. i guess you could say i
was blessed for the hard times. i don't know. we found some new
people to teach and they are progressing very well. we had a baptism
also!!! when i was in Isani back in december i had an investigator
from india. his name was Aman. (different then the one i am working
with now.) we have two Amans now! well i found him and taught him
but then i got moved to Saburtalo and lost contact, well he was
finally baptized this week and i got to give him the Holly Ghost. that
was totally amazing!!!
Also we have 2 investigators of our own that or
almost ready for baptism.. it is good now.
so i am doing good. i am healthy so far, but the weather has gotten
really hot now. i wake up in the morning and i am already covered in
sweat and i have no blankets, nothing. it is HOT!!!! i drink a ton
of water cuz i sweat a ton every day! so it is good lol i love it
here, i have learned to love these people.
so the language is coming good. i am getting this grammar down more
and more. it is hard to learn grammar of another language when you
don't know english grammar. i had to buy a book to learn english
grammar so that i could learn georgian grammar HA HA HA i knew i
should have paid attention in english class HA HA HA oh well i am
getting it now :)
so i am good and loving it! BE SAFE!!!
May 17, 2010
so this last two weeks have gone by really slow!! first glad i got to
talk to my family on mothers day and that was amazing!!! i got to use
Skype so i was able to see them. they look good!! Nate is a lot
This week, we went to Brojomi which is a little village out
of Tbilisi and so we did not get to e-mail last week. so then
i was down all week cuz the work was going slow. i spent all week on
the street. i had a total of 10 lessons in the week. that is not
good. so i did a lot of walking and a lot of talking.
well then this last week the worked picked up. i guess you could say i
was blessed for the hard times. i don't know. we found some new
people to teach and they are progressing very well. we had a baptism
also!!! when i was in Isani back in december i had an investigator
from india. his name was Aman. (different then the one i am working
with now.) we have two Amans now! well i found him and taught him
but then i got moved to Saburtalo and lost contact, well he was
finally baptized this week and i got to give him the Holly Ghost. that
was totally amazing!!!
Also we have 2 investigators of our own that or
almost ready for baptism.. it is good now.
so i am doing good. i am healthy so far, but the weather has gotten
really hot now. i wake up in the morning and i am already covered in
sweat and i have no blankets, nothing. it is HOT!!!! i drink a ton
of water cuz i sweat a ton every day! so it is good lol i love it
here, i have learned to love these people.
so the language is coming good. i am getting this grammar down more
and more. it is hard to learn grammar of another language when you
don't know english grammar. i had to buy a book to learn english
grammar so that i could learn georgian grammar HA HA HA i knew i
should have paid attention in english class HA HA HA oh well i am
getting it now :)
so i am good and loving it! BE SAFE!!!
learning Georgian,
love it,
Picture overload!
I love being facebook friends with people from Georgia- they've sent me lots of pictures of Scott and they let us know he's doing great and that he's being taken care of. It's great to hear from him and them!
Kristina, a member in the YSA branch that Scott loves to help out with, sent me these AWESOME pictures from a YSA activity this week- May 16, 2010. Scott still makes us laugh!
Kristina, a member in the YSA branch that Scott loves to help out with, sent me these AWESOME pictures from a YSA activity this week- May 16, 2010. Scott still makes us laugh!
Working hard...
On p-day this week, Scott and the rest of the elders visited an old orthodox cathedral and soaked up some authentic Georgian history/culture.
May 3, 2010
so this is the great georgian church we visited. the roof is solid gold. it is
insane! you can see it from anywhere in the city!!!
the second picture is me by an actual olive tree. they have one on the
grounds around the church... it is way old!!
and third {a little blurry} is me inside the church.
May 3, 2010
So another week in the past. this was an ok week. not much happened.
did some missionary work and had some fun. things are going ok. me
and my companion fixed our problems this week so we can move forward
in the work. i am glad to have gotten that taking care of. so this
week we dropped a lot of our investigators because they just didn't
want to test their faith even a little. so now we have like 4
investigators and so the work is slow. we spent a ton of time out
trying to find new people to teach.
so this week we went to sabeba. it is the great huge orthadox church
in georgia. it is huge and crazy. we went cuz the new missionaries have
never been there. we also took Aman, and it totally blew his mind!!!
so not much going on, i want to say HAPPY MOTHERS DAY TO ALL YOU
we have baptisms still planned and things are proggressing very very slowly. :)
my knee is doing ok and my health is ok.
the language is doing ok. i am still learning tons and trying my best.
May 3, 2010
so this is the great georgian church we visited. the roof is solid gold. it is
insane! you can see it from anywhere in the city!!!
the second picture is me by an actual olive tree. they have one on the
grounds around the church... it is way old!!
and third {a little blurry} is me inside the church.
May 3, 2010
So another week in the past. this was an ok week. not much happened.
did some missionary work and had some fun. things are going ok. me
and my companion fixed our problems this week so we can move forward
in the work. i am glad to have gotten that taking care of. so this
week we dropped a lot of our investigators because they just didn't
want to test their faith even a little. so now we have like 4
investigators and so the work is slow. we spent a ton of time out
trying to find new people to teach.
so this week we went to sabeba. it is the great huge orthadox church
in georgia. it is huge and crazy. we went cuz the new missionaries have
never been there. we also took Aman, and it totally blew his mind!!!
so not much going on, i want to say HAPPY MOTHERS DAY TO ALL YOU
we have baptisms still planned and things are proggressing very very slowly. :)
my knee is doing ok and my health is ok.
the language is doing ok. i am still learning tons and trying my best.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Aman's birthday!
Scott just sounds better and better in his emails- he truly loves the work, the people, and sharing the gospel. It has been so great to see Scott help Aman and to see Aman help Scott. They're learning from each other and are turning into better men, more Christ-like, stronger sons of our Heavenly Father.
April 26, 2010
1-this is Aman at the party... he is so excited!
2- this is me and Aman cooking up some india food for the senior
4. This is me, 9 months out
April 26, 2010
so this week we had a ton of fun!!! one of my recent converts, Aman
from india, it was his birthday!!!! in india they don't celebrate
birthdays so a while ago when we asked him how old he was he had no
idea, so i looked at his passport and it was the 20th of april. so
us missionaries with the help of the senior couples and some georgians
we threw him this huge birthday party!!! he is 21!!! and he will be a
missionary in 10 months!!!!
from india, it was his birthday!!!! in india they don't celebrate
birthdays so a while ago when we asked him how old he was he had no
idea, so i looked at his passport and it was the 20th of april. so
us missionaries with the help of the senior couples and some georgians
we threw him this huge birthday party!!! he is 21!!! and he will be a
missionary in 10 months!!!!
1-this is Aman at the party... he is so excited!
2- this is me and Aman cooking up some india food for the senior
couple. (they made a deal with him that if he cooked them some indian
food for dinner one night... they would throw him a huge party for his
birthday. so me and him cooked up a storm. i am way good cook!!!)

3- this is me and my brother!!!food for dinner one night... they would throw him a huge party for his
birthday. so me and him cooked up a storm. i am way good cook!!!)
4. This is me, 9 months out
Zone Conference & 9 months
April 19, 2010
so things are going good here in georgia! this last week flew by with
all the traveling we did down to armenia and back. i love traveling!!
it is the best! so we had a wonderful zone conference and i learned a
ton. i got my knee looked at and the problem is that i pulled all the
ligaments in my left knee. nothing serious or complex but it is going
to take about 3 weeks before i can start bending it again fully. so
for now it is wrapped up good and aching lol but i still press forward
and pound the work. Christ did everything for me; He suffered and
died for me.... so i can suffer a little for His work ;) that is how
i look at it. it is all up to HIM!!! so while in armenia i got to go
out and visit members there with the missionaries serving there. i got
to give two blessings while down there, one i did the oil and the
second one i did the blessing. it was pretty amazing to do the second
one cuz the lady asked me to do it because she saw that i had lots of
faith and that is what she wanted, even though she didn't know
english. i was so taken back by that compliment. so on my mission
the one change i see is my faith has grown greatly. i have been
rellying totally on the LORD the past 4 months and that is when the
changes come. i know that to be true.
"Two men can do anything; as long as ONE of them is the LORD"
so things are going good :) the work is flying by as well as well as
the time. lol it has been 9 months now!!!! OH MY LANTA!!!! it seems so
long ago but it was just around the corner. the days go by like weeks
and weeks go by like days. it is crazy!!!
so not much other news but i am alive and well. :) things are good here!
so things are going good here in georgia! this last week flew by with
all the traveling we did down to armenia and back. i love traveling!!
it is the best! so we had a wonderful zone conference and i learned a
ton. i got my knee looked at and the problem is that i pulled all the
ligaments in my left knee. nothing serious or complex but it is going
to take about 3 weeks before i can start bending it again fully. so
for now it is wrapped up good and aching lol but i still press forward
and pound the work. Christ did everything for me; He suffered and
died for me.... so i can suffer a little for His work ;) that is how
i look at it. it is all up to HIM!!! so while in armenia i got to go
out and visit members there with the missionaries serving there. i got
to give two blessings while down there, one i did the oil and the
second one i did the blessing. it was pretty amazing to do the second
one cuz the lady asked me to do it because she saw that i had lots of
faith and that is what she wanted, even though she didn't know
english. i was so taken back by that compliment. so on my mission
the one change i see is my faith has grown greatly. i have been
rellying totally on the LORD the past 4 months and that is when the
changes come. i know that to be true.
"Two men can do anything; as long as ONE of them is the LORD"
so things are going good :) the work is flying by as well as well as
the time. lol it has been 9 months now!!!! OH MY LANTA!!!! it seems so
long ago but it was just around the corner. the days go by like weeks
and weeks go by like days. it is crazy!!!
so not much other news but i am alive and well. :) things are good here!
Another week down...
Scott hurt his knee playing soccer this month and was on crutches and in a boot for several months afterward. Through prayers, fasting, and lots of faith, his knee healed and he was able to stay in Georgia and continue serving.
April 12, 2010
So things are going well here in the rep. of georgia! i am doing ok.
this last week i got hurt playing soccer but my mission president told
me not to tell the people back home till after i am better and
everything is solved. so i can't say what is wrong :) well i am
still pounding the work. we have had some miracles happen and been
able to see the hand of God in our life. this week we had two old
investigators from about 4 months ago show up at the church and want
to get baptized. they are refugees from russia. they
are back and doing well. also the fact that i am still walking and
doing missionary work is a miracle from the LORD. so this week was a
slow and painful week for me but i figured that if the LORD could
suffer and die for us then i could suffer a little for Him. oh well
everything is ok.
so training is going ok. my comp is still new and still has that
pride from the mtc that he knows all and that he is the man...soon
he will break out of it.
I like training and helping the other new missionaries learn the ways of the
work. :) so this week i finally got to watch some of general conference. we
are behind the rest of the world here in georgia.
i missed all of sunday sessions, so i have to take time
out of the week to watch the rest. i hear it is the best!!! so right
now i am in Yerevan, Armenia. we have zone conference tommorrow and
guess what.... WE HAVE SNOW!!!!!!!!!!! it is SNOWING like it is
december!!!! I LOVE IT!!!!!!!! it is going to be a good zone
conference, i can tell already!
so that is the news... things are going good and the work is moving
forward. i love it!!!
be safe and party like a rock star!!!!!
April 12, 2010
So things are going well here in the rep. of georgia! i am doing ok.
this last week i got hurt playing soccer but my mission president told
me not to tell the people back home till after i am better and
everything is solved. so i can't say what is wrong :) well i am
still pounding the work. we have had some miracles happen and been
able to see the hand of God in our life. this week we had two old
investigators from about 4 months ago show up at the church and want
to get baptized. they are refugees from russia. they
are back and doing well. also the fact that i am still walking and
doing missionary work is a miracle from the LORD. so this week was a
slow and painful week for me but i figured that if the LORD could
suffer and die for us then i could suffer a little for Him. oh well
everything is ok.
so training is going ok. my comp is still new and still has that
pride from the mtc that he knows all and that he is the man...soon
he will break out of it.
I like training and helping the other new missionaries learn the ways of the
work. :) so this week i finally got to watch some of general conference. we
are behind the rest of the world here in georgia.
i missed all of sunday sessions, so i have to take time
out of the week to watch the rest. i hear it is the best!!! so right
now i am in Yerevan, Armenia. we have zone conference tommorrow and
guess what.... WE HAVE SNOW!!!!!!!!!!! it is SNOWING like it is
december!!!! I LOVE IT!!!!!!!! it is going to be a good zone
conference, i can tell already!
so that is the news... things are going good and the work is moving
forward. i love it!!!
be safe and party like a rock star!!!!!
Happy Easter!
The branch in Georgia now has native leadership, yay! This is key to the growth of the church and we're so proud that they accomplished this while Scott was serving there.
April 5, 2010
so this week was a way good one!!! we had a change in the branch
presidency so now we have a georgian branch president!! that is way
good!!!! it is what we need to move the work forward!!! We also
had another baptism!!! what a great event it was to have one on
Easter!!! it was so spriritual!!! i was blessed with giving him the
Holy Ghost sunday morning in church. that was BE-AWESOME!!!! so this
week was a good one!!
we have zone conference next week so we get to go down to armenia next
week so that will be really exciting!!! i am looking forward to that!
so things are good in my part of the world! i hope all goes well for
you this next week!! my god be with you and may you choose the
April 5, 2010
so this week was a way good one!!! we had a change in the branch
presidency so now we have a georgian branch president!! that is way
good!!!! it is what we need to move the work forward!!! We also
had another baptism!!! what a great event it was to have one on
Easter!!! it was so spriritual!!! i was blessed with giving him the
Holy Ghost sunday morning in church. that was BE-AWESOME!!!! so this
week was a good one!!
we have zone conference next week so we get to go down to armenia next
week so that will be really exciting!!! i am looking forward to that!
so things are good in my part of the world! i hope all goes well for
you this next week!! my god be with you and may you choose the
He's a trainer now!
Scott is officially a trainer now! His first greenie is Elder Nealson. He seems really excited to teach him all about this country he loves.
so this last week was a really crazy one!!!! first off we had the 3
new elders arrive on thursday night. they were so late getting here!!
so i am training Elder Nealson from Hollywood Califonia. he is a good
man. pretty new at everything and is learning slowly. i remember my
first few days here. they were so fast and a blur. i didn't know what
the heck was going on.
so also we had 3 baptims this week end!!! we had Vazha's wife (he is
the branch president in the Avlabari branch) get baptized, Elguja's
wife got baptized and then an Armenian man named Artur. so that
exciting!!! we also had President Dunn come for those and he actually
baptized Vazha's wife. that was great to see our Mission President get
wet! lol and this next week we another one!!!! a baptism on EASTER
WEEKEND!!!!! WAY COOL!! this one is my investigator! his name is Ruby!
he has finally quit smoking so now he can come to Christ! it will be
awesome for him to come unto Christ; the weekend that Christ rose from
the grave. great symbolism!!
so the work is good. also this week Elder Vazgen went home. his
mission is over and he went home after the baptism (which he did) on
saturday!! he was the best missionary!! lol i will miss him. so now
there are 10 missionaries in Georgia!!!! this is awesome! the work is
moving forward! full steam ahead!
so things are good as a trainer. i like it a lot! for his first few
days he is doing well. he is still really new so i kinda have to keep
him updated on whats going on lol hopefully that will change soon. so
things are great.
oh also this week we have Brother Dzirdzon from Germany, here
visiting. he was a missionary here 2 yeas ago. he was in the second
group to come here. so that is cool to meet him and that...
so this next week will be a tough one with it being Easter and the
Georgia people so caught up in there traditions so it is going to be
crazy!!! oh boy!! so things are going good!!! that is about it lol
so this last week was a really crazy one!!!! first off we had the 3
new elders arrive on thursday night. they were so late getting here!!
so i am training Elder Nealson from Hollywood Califonia. he is a good
man. pretty new at everything and is learning slowly. i remember my
first few days here. they were so fast and a blur. i didn't know what
the heck was going on.
so also we had 3 baptims this week end!!! we had Vazha's wife (he is
the branch president in the Avlabari branch) get baptized, Elguja's
wife got baptized and then an Armenian man named Artur. so that
exciting!!! we also had President Dunn come for those and he actually
baptized Vazha's wife. that was great to see our Mission President get
wet! lol and this next week we another one!!!! a baptism on EASTER
WEEKEND!!!!! WAY COOL!! this one is my investigator! his name is Ruby!
he has finally quit smoking so now he can come to Christ! it will be
awesome for him to come unto Christ; the weekend that Christ rose from
the grave. great symbolism!!
so the work is good. also this week Elder Vazgen went home. his
mission is over and he went home after the baptism (which he did) on
saturday!! he was the best missionary!! lol i will miss him. so now
there are 10 missionaries in Georgia!!!! this is awesome! the work is
moving forward! full steam ahead!
so things are good as a trainer. i like it a lot! for his first few
days he is doing well. he is still really new so i kinda have to keep
him updated on whats going on lol hopefully that will change soon. so
things are great.
oh also this week we have Brother Dzirdzon from Germany, here
visiting. he was a missionary here 2 yeas ago. he was in the second
group to come here. so that is cool to meet him and that...
so this next week will be a tough one with it being Easter and the
Georgia people so caught up in there traditions so it is going to be
crazy!!! oh boy!! so things are going good!!! that is about it lol
We love getting more pictures!
Pictures from Scott seriously make my week. It's so great to see how he's doing! The new elders have arrived, so it'll be good to see how training goes...
March 29, 2010
the other is of our family line. Vazgen>Coltrin>Johnson>Nealson. 4 generations and also Allen and Steel are in the line as well:
March 29, 2010
so more pictures for you!! this one is the new missionaries with the one
that went home this last week:
that went home this last week:
the other is of our family line. Vazgen>Coltrin>Johnson>Nealson. 4 generations and also Allen and Steel are in the line as well:
A quick update
March 22, 2010
So this last week was a very good one!!! first we had a baptism!!!
Aman from india was baptized. i had the previlage of giving him the
holy Ghost! it was awesome experience!
well also so way good news is
this week we have the 3 new missionaries coming. we have a past
missionary from germany coming to visit and Vazgen is going home! it
is going to be a very very busy week. the zone leaders came up
today as well to do a training course with us tomomrrow. it is going
to be great!! so things are going really great here! things are
flying by so fast! it is awesome!
so sorry i don't have so much time to e-mail this week-
today we went to Gori. it is where the great
Joseph Stalin was born. we saw his house and the great miseum they
have ther. it was cool and then we went to the "lord's fortress" it is
this huge city in the mountains about a billion years old or so. so we
spent the day there. i loved it! so that is where all my time went.
so this week we also have another baptism planned!! it will be good!
well love you tons and forever!!!
P.S. I'll write loads next week! girl scouts promise!! ha ha ha
So this last week was a very good one!!! first we had a baptism!!!
Aman from india was baptized. i had the previlage of giving him the
holy Ghost! it was awesome experience!
well also so way good news is
this week we have the 3 new missionaries coming. we have a past
missionary from germany coming to visit and Vazgen is going home! it
is going to be a very very busy week. the zone leaders came up
today as well to do a training course with us tomomrrow. it is going
to be great!! so things are going really great here! things are
flying by so fast! it is awesome!
so sorry i don't have so much time to e-mail this week-
today we went to Gori. it is where the great
Joseph Stalin was born. we saw his house and the great miseum they
have ther. it was cool and then we went to the "lord's fortress" it is
this huge city in the mountains about a billion years old or so. so we
spent the day there. i loved it! so that is where all my time went.
so this week we also have another baptism planned!! it will be good!
well love you tons and forever!!!
P.S. I'll write loads next week! girl scouts promise!! ha ha ha
A few pictures
so this week on p-day we went out to a small village and there they have this really old city in the rocks. we had so much fun!! here's a picture also of our baptism- tis is Aman from India!! he is my brother :)
love superman
love superman
You can hear the joy...
As time passes, he just sounds happier and happier to be there and to be serving the people of Georgia. You can hear the joy in his voice. It makes us so happy to hear it.
March 15, 2010
so this last week was a long crazy one lol!!! so first off we have one baptism this saturday!! and another planned for the 27th!!!! it is so great!!! the work is going great!!!! i love it!!! the work is good!! only two
weeks till the new missionaries come!! and i start training!! i am so excited!!! i love it here so much! even though i don't speak the language the best i love it all!! this is the best place for me right now!
well that is about it for this week. just all that fun stuff that comes with being a missionary!! good fun!!
so things are good for me here. i hope all is well with you!!
March 15, 2010
so this last week was a long crazy one lol!!! so first off we have one baptism this saturday!! and another planned for the 27th!!!! it is so great!!! the work is going great!!!! i love it!!! the work is good!! only two
weeks till the new missionaries come!! and i start training!! i am so excited!!! i love it here so much! even though i don't speak the language the best i love it all!! this is the best place for me right now!
well that is about it for this week. just all that fun stuff that comes with being a missionary!! good fun!!
so things are good for me here. i hope all is well with you!!
Busy busy!
Scott is staying busy teaching, teaching and teaching! His favorite investigaor, Aman committed to baptism this week, which is great news, and he will be training soon.
March 8, 2010
well another week has come and gone. things are good here in this
part of the world. you know i never did seen myself being here in this
part of the world. this close to all the problems and wars that are
going on in the world. it is i neat experince.
well things are going good. the work is moving forward and the spirit
is working miracles. one thing that i would say to all is be obedient
to all the rules!! 1 one day this week me and my companion forgot to
shave (i hate shaving) well something that simple doesn't seem that
bad. well it was!!! we went to a investigators house for a lesson and
she had food for us. well it was the worst food ever! she made lik a
egg salad but the eggs were rotten and like black and she had raw fish
and cabbage soaked in vinegare and a rice pudding with fruit in it
that tasted so freakin bad!!! well needless to say i had to eat some
of this food. i never wanted to throw up so bad in my life! well now
we are obedient and follow all the rules cuz i don't want to eat that
stuff ever again. (i have included a picture of the food.)
well other than almost diying from bad food the rest of the week was
way good!!! in Georgia it is there "womens day" today so on saturday
we had a 2 big parties! on for the grown-up members and one for the
YSA. we went to both to support them both. they were awesome. at the
YSA one they had a dance and kareokee. we as missionaries aren't
allowed to dance but we can sing so me and my comp. sang all night
long good. it was very good!!! i have developed a good singing voice
now lol ha ha ha (picture of us all at the party included)
so this week was a good one. things are good. only three more weeks
till the new guys get here and i am training. wow!!! it will be an
our investigators are doing good. we have 2 baptisms lined up for the
20th of march. on is aman from india. "he is my brother from another
mother" lol (picture of me and him included) he is such a cool guy!! he
cooks us indian food all the time! so i have gotten a little fat in
the past little bit lol.
well this week also the Dustons who work in the office are leaving.
their time is up and we will miss them here. (picture with me and
them included)
so that is it for this week. things are good!!
the bad meal- he looks so excited to be eating it :)
YSA activity
Scott and Aman
Scott and the Dustons
March 8, 2010
well another week has come and gone. things are good here in this
part of the world. you know i never did seen myself being here in this
part of the world. this close to all the problems and wars that are
going on in the world. it is i neat experince.
well things are going good. the work is moving forward and the spirit
is working miracles. one thing that i would say to all is be obedient
to all the rules!! 1 one day this week me and my companion forgot to
shave (i hate shaving) well something that simple doesn't seem that
bad. well it was!!! we went to a investigators house for a lesson and
she had food for us. well it was the worst food ever! she made lik a
egg salad but the eggs were rotten and like black and she had raw fish
and cabbage soaked in vinegare and a rice pudding with fruit in it
that tasted so freakin bad!!! well needless to say i had to eat some
of this food. i never wanted to throw up so bad in my life! well now
we are obedient and follow all the rules cuz i don't want to eat that
stuff ever again. (i have included a picture of the food.)
well other than almost diying from bad food the rest of the week was
way good!!! in Georgia it is there "womens day" today so on saturday
we had a 2 big parties! on for the grown-up members and one for the
YSA. we went to both to support them both. they were awesome. at the
YSA one they had a dance and kareokee. we as missionaries aren't
allowed to dance but we can sing so me and my comp. sang all night
long good. it was very good!!! i have developed a good singing voice
now lol ha ha ha (picture of us all at the party included)
so this week was a good one. things are good. only three more weeks
till the new guys get here and i am training. wow!!! it will be an
our investigators are doing good. we have 2 baptisms lined up for the
20th of march. on is aman from india. "he is my brother from another
mother" lol (picture of me and him included) he is such a cool guy!! he
cooks us indian food all the time! so i have gotten a little fat in
the past little bit lol.
well this week also the Dustons who work in the office are leaving.
their time is up and we will miss them here. (picture with me and
them included)
so that is it for this week. things are good!!
the bad meal- he looks so excited to be eating it :)
YSA activity
Scott and Aman
Scott and the Dustons
Birthday Week!
March 4, 2010
ok so sorry it has taken me some time to write you all this week. on monday we had zone conference and we had to travel down to armenia. so i did not have time to e-mail then. but i got permission from my president to e-mail now because he says it is the most important rule of the mission is e-mailing home :) yay!!! so first off i had a baptism on the 27th of febuary and i got wet!!!! it was my first one actually in the water! it was way good! his name is steven and is half american and half iranian. he works for the U.N. he is a big guy and chose me cuz i am strong so i could hold him lol ha ha ha. So i had a white birthday week end!!!
it was my birthday on monday and i am now 20!!! holy cow!!! i am no longer a teenager!! i spent most my birthday in the car driving to armenia.... lol then some elders down there bought me a huge 7 layer chocolate cake for my birthday. it was way good!! it was a good day!! a very long day lol well zone conference was very good. i learned some new things and got to see all the other elders i never get to see.
We did find out who our new mission president will be in july. His name is Reese A. Carter and his wife is Eva Jean Harper Carter from Mantua 2nd ward Brigham City Utah, box elder stake. that is about it that we know about him. it will be an interesting change when he comes...
well things are good here on this side of the world. the work is good. the whether is good and getting hotter. i like it:) well that is it for this week! hope your all doing well and everything goes good for you this week!
ok so sorry it has taken me some time to write you all this week. on monday we had zone conference and we had to travel down to armenia. so i did not have time to e-mail then. but i got permission from my president to e-mail now because he says it is the most important rule of the mission is e-mailing home :) yay!!! so first off i had a baptism on the 27th of febuary and i got wet!!!! it was my first one actually in the water! it was way good! his name is steven and is half american and half iranian. he works for the U.N. he is a big guy and chose me cuz i am strong so i could hold him lol ha ha ha. So i had a white birthday week end!!!
it was my birthday on monday and i am now 20!!! holy cow!!! i am no longer a teenager!! i spent most my birthday in the car driving to armenia.... lol then some elders down there bought me a huge 7 layer chocolate cake for my birthday. it was way good!! it was a good day!! a very long day lol well zone conference was very good. i learned some new things and got to see all the other elders i never get to see.
We did find out who our new mission president will be in july. His name is Reese A. Carter and his wife is Eva Jean Harper Carter from Mantua 2nd ward Brigham City Utah, box elder stake. that is about it that we know about him. it will be an interesting change when he comes...
well things are good here on this side of the world. the work is good. the whether is good and getting hotter. i like it:) well that is it for this week! hope your all doing well and everything goes good for you this week!
Scott turns 20!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SUPERMAN!!!!!! Congrats on turning the big 2-0!!!!!
HEY!!!! thanks so much for the photo!! i loved it!! things are going well for me here! I had another baptism on the 27th and i got wet {I got to baptize them}!!!! it was a good white birthday! i also ordered a superman cake from a local shop for my birthday too lol ;) it is going to be good!
Love, Elder Superman
Love, Elder Superman
an AWESOME week!
The work is really moving forward this month- he's had several baptisms and we are so happy for him! Aman, the brother that Scott started teaching ths month has been very near and dear to him his whole mission. They got to be very close while Scott helped him come to the gospel. This is just the beginning, but we have loved hearing about his conversion through Scott's emails.
February 22, 2010
wow!!! time flies!!! so things are going way good here for me. this last week was an awesome week!! On saturday we had 3 Baptisms!!!!!! Anna, Samvel and TJ. (Anna and Samvel are the couple i got married last month. they are in isani where i just got moved from.) it was totally awesome!!
And then this saturday we have another one! His name is steven and he is half american-half iranian and works for the UN. He is mine and Peatross's investigator. so we met our goal for 1 baptism a month!!!
yay!! it will be awesome!!!
well the weather here is good and nice. just the wind blowing all the time. this week me and peatross found a new kid from india. his name is Aman. he is totally awesome!! he has no friends here so me and peatross hang and teach him all the time. he makes us real indian food too!! i love it!! we are trying to help him get his buisness going at the moment. he doesn't speak any georgian so we help him out. i am a good buisness man lol ha ha ha
well today is one week from my birthday!!! my last week as a teenager :( i guess i will just have to do something totally crazy ha ha ha i will have to have a HUGE, BIG party without you all... sorry ha ha ha!
well things are good and the work is awesome!!!! i love it here! oh also today is 7 months out on my mission! time flies when you're partying.... i mean working hard lol
well love you tons and hope everything goes well for you this next week!! BE SAFE
February 22, 2010
wow!!! time flies!!! so things are going way good here for me. this last week was an awesome week!! On saturday we had 3 Baptisms!!!!!! Anna, Samvel and TJ. (Anna and Samvel are the couple i got married last month. they are in isani where i just got moved from.) it was totally awesome!!
And then this saturday we have another one! His name is steven and he is half american-half iranian and works for the UN. He is mine and Peatross's investigator. so we met our goal for 1 baptism a month!!!
yay!! it will be awesome!!!
well the weather here is good and nice. just the wind blowing all the time. this week me and peatross found a new kid from india. his name is Aman. he is totally awesome!! he has no friends here so me and peatross hang and teach him all the time. he makes us real indian food too!! i love it!! we are trying to help him get his buisness going at the moment. he doesn't speak any georgian so we help him out. i am a good buisness man lol ha ha ha
well today is one week from my birthday!!! my last week as a teenager :( i guess i will just have to do something totally crazy ha ha ha i will have to have a HUGE, BIG party without you all... sorry ha ha ha!
well things are good and the work is awesome!!!! i love it here! oh also today is 7 months out on my mission! time flies when you're partying.... i mean working hard lol
well love you tons and hope everything goes well for you this next week!! BE SAFE
A Picture!
February 15, 200
here are some pictures!!!!
i can't send any cuz i left my camera charger in Yerevan {Armenia} last time we were there and my camera is dead. but the zone leaders are coming up today so hopfully they have it....
this is us down in armenia with one of the families down there. they are way cool!!!! they rock!
Love, Elder Johnson
here are some pictures!!!!
i can't send any cuz i left my camera charger in Yerevan {Armenia} last time we were there and my camera is dead. but the zone leaders are coming up today so hopfully they have it....
this is us down in armenia with one of the families down there. they are way cool!!!! they rock!
Love, Elder Johnson
A new area, new investigators
Over here we've been watching the Olympics, and we were saddened by the loss of the Georgian sledding athlete in a tragic training accident. Scott, of course, had a wonderful gospel centered outlook on the incident...
February 15, 2010
well another week has come and gone. things are good here in Georgia. yes i did hear about the Georgian athlete. yes it is sad, but he will get a chance now to hear the true gospel...
everything here is wet and wet. all the snow is melting and there are puddles everywhere!!! yay!!! well the new area is great. just so you know 3 of my old investigators are getting baptized this saturday!!
and one of my new investigators in my new are is getting baptized the 27th. :) so things are good! right now we are teaching 4 refugees. all 4 have been kicked out of there own country and 6 other countries,
and now Georgia might kick them out. they were kicked out for religious matters so we are hoping that by teaching them and helping come to the truth that they will recieve some help and be let back in
there country. i don't know...
so you know we got 3 new missionaries coming the end of march and i am training one of them... scary!!! lol
Valentine's Day was good. we had a huge YSA dance and had 40 YSA show up. (that is more then we have at sacrament.) it was totally fun. we missionaries aren't allowed to dance but we just bring investigators and be friend those that aren't members. it was so much fun.
well things are good! our zone leaders are coming up today and they are bringing the mail!! i love getting mail! it is going to be a good day!!!
well i am good!! be safe and stay out of trouble!!
February 15, 2010
well another week has come and gone. things are good here in Georgia. yes i did hear about the Georgian athlete. yes it is sad, but he will get a chance now to hear the true gospel...
everything here is wet and wet. all the snow is melting and there are puddles everywhere!!! yay!!! well the new area is great. just so you know 3 of my old investigators are getting baptized this saturday!!
and one of my new investigators in my new are is getting baptized the 27th. :) so things are good! right now we are teaching 4 refugees. all 4 have been kicked out of there own country and 6 other countries,
and now Georgia might kick them out. they were kicked out for religious matters so we are hoping that by teaching them and helping come to the truth that they will recieve some help and be let back in
there country. i don't know...
so you know we got 3 new missionaries coming the end of march and i am training one of them... scary!!! lol
Valentine's Day was good. we had a huge YSA dance and had 40 YSA show up. (that is more then we have at sacrament.) it was totally fun. we missionaries aren't allowed to dance but we just bring investigators and be friend those that aren't members. it was so much fun.
well things are good! our zone leaders are coming up today and they are bringing the mail!! i love getting mail! it is going to be a good day!!!
well i am good!! be safe and stay out of trouble!!
Transfers time! Scott spent the first 6 months of his mission in Isani, Tbilisi and then was transferred in February 2010 to Saburtalo, Tbilisi- so he's in the same region, just a different part of the city. He is also going to be a trainer soon- at the end of March. When there's only 8 elders in the whole country, you don't get much adjusting time before you have to start being the trainer!
February 8, 2010
so this last week guess what..... WE HAVE SNOW!!!!! we have about 6 inches now and it is still falling. it has benn falling alll week now. I LOVE IT!!!! it is so beautiful!!
well we have 2 baptisms the 20th now and one the 27th. they are set and our investigators will make their dates :) things are proggressing very well. :) well things are progressing very well so i am getting transfered now lol on tuesday i am going to Saburtalo. it is like down town T'bilisi. think of it as moving from down town ghetto ogden to down town rich park city. it is where all the excitment is at in the city. lol so i will be with Elder Petrose from Roosevelt UT. and Elver Bennett will be with Vazgen. it will be a good change and some other good news is that in March when the new missionaries come i am training one of them. CRAZY!!!!! so i have one month to learn the language. wow!! well thngs are good here. the work is proggressing and i have snow finally!!! it is awesome :)
i like here a lot
hope you are well and everything goes well ;)
the Georgian Elders
February 8, 2010
so this last week guess what..... WE HAVE SNOW!!!!! we have about 6 inches now and it is still falling. it has benn falling alll week now. I LOVE IT!!!! it is so beautiful!!
well we have 2 baptisms the 20th now and one the 27th. they are set and our investigators will make their dates :) things are proggressing very well. :) well things are progressing very well so i am getting transfered now lol on tuesday i am going to Saburtalo. it is like down town T'bilisi. think of it as moving from down town ghetto ogden to down town rich park city. it is where all the excitment is at in the city. lol so i will be with Elder Petrose from Roosevelt UT. and Elver Bennett will be with Vazgen. it will be a good change and some other good news is that in March when the new missionaries come i am training one of them. CRAZY!!!!! so i have one month to learn the language. wow!! well thngs are good here. the work is proggressing and i have snow finally!!! it is awesome :)
i like here a lot
hope you are well and everything goes well ;)
the Georgian Elders
More baptisms!
February 1, 2010
wow so good to hear from you all!!! what is new? how is life?
well i am good. our baptism for last week fell through so that was sad:(
but we have 3 on the 13th of this month :) that is good. the
weather is getting warmer and georgia is starting to become alive
again. during the winter time people either go to the villages or stay
home but now everyone is out and it is so cool! things are good. so
an update. i have been out six months now and have had 2 baptisms. we
have had 6 total since i have been here. that is way good!! the work
is going well. a lot of people are really stubburn so it is hard sometimes.
the language is going ok. still way hard and i can only understand a
little or when they speak really slow. but i like
it so i keep working with it. :) i still can't believe that it is 6
months already!!!
well i am good! hope your all well and safe :)
wow so good to hear from you all!!! what is new? how is life?
well i am good. our baptism for last week fell through so that was sad:(
but we have 3 on the 13th of this month :) that is good. the
weather is getting warmer and georgia is starting to become alive
again. during the winter time people either go to the villages or stay
home but now everyone is out and it is so cool! things are good. so
an update. i have been out six months now and have had 2 baptisms. we
have had 6 total since i have been here. that is way good!! the work
is going well. a lot of people are really stubburn so it is hard sometimes.
the language is going ok. still way hard and i can only understand a
little or when they speak really slow. but i like
it so i keep working with it. :) i still can't believe that it is 6
months already!!!
well i am good! hope your all well and safe :)
Time flies when you're serving the Lord! Can't believe he's been in Georgia for 6 whole months. He sounds great and the work is moving forward and we're thrilled to hear it.
January 25, 2010
so this week marked 6 months being out!! yes I BURNED A TIE (as tradition at 6 months) and it was pretty cool. you know me always got to have things big and wild... don't worry our apartment is still in one piece. :) so 6 months wow!!!
well this last week we had one baptism and we will have another on the 6th of Feb. yahoo!! we had to postpone 3 of our baptisms so now we have scheduled 1 every saturday in the month of Feb. way coo!!! pray they can make it! so this last we had zone conference. we wen to Gumri this tim. it is another cty in Armenia. it is up in the mountains so there was lot of snow. we had so much fun! i love the snow!!
well i am good! i love it here.
love elder SUPERMAN
January 25, 2010
so this week marked 6 months being out!! yes I BURNED A TIE (as tradition at 6 months) and it was pretty cool. you know me always got to have things big and wild... don't worry our apartment is still in one piece. :) so 6 months wow!!!
well this last week we had one baptism and we will have another on the 6th of Feb. yahoo!! we had to postpone 3 of our baptisms so now we have scheduled 1 every saturday in the month of Feb. way coo!!! pray they can make it! so this last we had zone conference. we wen to Gumri this tim. it is another cty in Armenia. it is up in the mountains so there was lot of snow. we had so much fun! i love the snow!!
well i am good! i love it here.
love elder SUPERMAN
Making progress with investigators & Georgian
His investigators are making wonderful progress and Scott continues to work hard with the difficult languages. He is learning Georgian, Russian, and picking up a little Armenian as well. Whew!
January 18, 2010
hey!! how is it where ever you are at? what is new? how is the weather?
so the weather has been gloomy all week. i haven't seen that
big yellow ball in the sky that people call the sun for a week and a
half. very depressing. it has been rainning all the time. no snow
though :(
Well the work is good. this week we got our investigators
to get married by law. we had some complications cuz you have to have
two witness so me and Elder Vazgen went to be witness but when we got there
we found out that they have to be citizens of Georgia so we went and talked
to complete strangers working there and had them come sign. it was
pretty funny. we were just like "hey our friends want to get married
will you come sign for them..." ha ha ha so now they can get
baptized!!! yahoo!! In 3 weeks they will be baptized!
Our other investigators are good. the man who has been trying to quit smoking
for one year now is finally down to 0!! he must stay off for 2 weeks
and then he can be baptized!! it is so good! Other than them, the work is slow now
with the new year. no new investigators. :(
well i am good. today we going down to Armenia for zone conference so that
will be fun. a 9 hour ride in the car and then crossing the boarder...
oh man!!! ha ha ha
well that is all that is new with me. not much change. just working
for the Lord and trying to learn one of the oldest languages on the
planet... lol it is crazy hard. but i stick with it. :)
well love you tons!!
January 18, 2010
hey!! how is it where ever you are at? what is new? how is the weather?
so the weather has been gloomy all week. i haven't seen that
big yellow ball in the sky that people call the sun for a week and a
half. very depressing. it has been rainning all the time. no snow
though :(
Well the work is good. this week we got our investigators
to get married by law. we had some complications cuz you have to have
two witness so me and Elder Vazgen went to be witness but when we got there
we found out that they have to be citizens of Georgia so we went and talked
to complete strangers working there and had them come sign. it was
pretty funny. we were just like "hey our friends want to get married
will you come sign for them..." ha ha ha so now they can get
baptized!!! yahoo!! In 3 weeks they will be baptized!
Our other investigators are good. the man who has been trying to quit smoking
for one year now is finally down to 0!! he must stay off for 2 weeks
and then he can be baptized!! it is so good! Other than them, the work is slow now
with the new year. no new investigators. :(
well i am good. today we going down to Armenia for zone conference so that
will be fun. a 9 hour ride in the car and then crossing the boarder...
oh man!!! ha ha ha
well that is all that is new with me. not much change. just working
for the Lord and trying to learn one of the oldest languages on the
planet... lol it is crazy hard. but i stick with it. :)
well love you tons!!
Starting off 2010...
January 11, 2010
These last few weeks have been crazy! With all the holidays going on here it has been hard to do some work. no body has time to meet or to stop and talk to you on the street so we have been really struggling
to help these people this week. after the 14th everything will settle down and go good.
We did have 2 baptisms on saturday. a mom and an 9 year old girl. the father will get baptized in 2 weeks. :) so things aren't too bad! Our investigators are doing good. we will be having 4 baptisms of our own (me and Elder Vazgen) 2 on the 23rd, then another the 30th and then another Feb. 6th if everything works out.... the man who has been trying to quit for almost a year said he is not going to smoke any more after the 13th on Jan. even if it kills him he said, lets hope it doesn't lol. he is finally doing going to stop. well then i am
teaching a guy from India, (his name is Aman). he is the coolest. he knows no Georgian and very little english. (less english then i know georgian). he only speacks Hindia and Panjabi his native languages in India. so i teach him english and i teach him the gospel by pictures. it is very good. he is my brother from another mother! ha hah ha so it is good.
I live in an apartment building. it is very small and right now a pipe broke in the wall so all our walls are soaking wet and our aparment is freezing. :( the weather is frezzing already so it is not good. we have no snow but is is about 32 degs F. during the day and about 10 degs F. at night. way cold! lol i live in ISANI by the metro but our church is at 300 aragveli sabaduris street. 27a Tbilisi Georgia. you can look it up on google :) ya Goergia history is pretty cool and unique. did you know that 2 of Christ's apostles were killed
here in Georgia and then a century later they declare Christianity...
so the language is so hard! i can speak it fine but when it comes to understanding what people are saying i am lost like no other. i can teach the lessons in georgian really simple and bear my testimony but i can't really hare my feelings or really conecct with the people like i can speaking american. so it is hard. and then trying to learn Armenian and Russian too is way hard, my head feels like it is going to explode. lol well i am good and doing my best.. :)
so that is about it...
These last few weeks have been crazy! With all the holidays going on here it has been hard to do some work. no body has time to meet or to stop and talk to you on the street so we have been really struggling
to help these people this week. after the 14th everything will settle down and go good.
We did have 2 baptisms on saturday. a mom and an 9 year old girl. the father will get baptized in 2 weeks. :) so things aren't too bad! Our investigators are doing good. we will be having 4 baptisms of our own (me and Elder Vazgen) 2 on the 23rd, then another the 30th and then another Feb. 6th if everything works out.... the man who has been trying to quit for almost a year said he is not going to smoke any more after the 13th on Jan. even if it kills him he said, lets hope it doesn't lol. he is finally doing going to stop. well then i am
teaching a guy from India, (his name is Aman). he is the coolest. he knows no Georgian and very little english. (less english then i know georgian). he only speacks Hindia and Panjabi his native languages in India. so i teach him english and i teach him the gospel by pictures. it is very good. he is my brother from another mother! ha hah ha so it is good.
I live in an apartment building. it is very small and right now a pipe broke in the wall so all our walls are soaking wet and our aparment is freezing. :( the weather is frezzing already so it is not good. we have no snow but is is about 32 degs F. during the day and about 10 degs F. at night. way cold! lol i live in ISANI by the metro but our church is at 300 aragveli sabaduris street. 27a Tbilisi Georgia. you can look it up on google :) ya Goergia history is pretty cool and unique. did you know that 2 of Christ's apostles were killed
here in Georgia and then a century later they declare Christianity...
so the language is so hard! i can speak it fine but when it comes to understanding what people are saying i am lost like no other. i can teach the lessons in georgian really simple and bear my testimony but i can't really hare my feelings or really conecct with the people like i can speaking american. so it is hard. and then trying to learn Armenian and Russian too is way hard, my head feels like it is going to explode. lol well i am good and doing my best.. :)
so that is about it...
Happy New Years from Georgia!
Scott rang in 2010 with his companion in Tbilisi. The ate tons of good food and watched a movie to celebrate. Glad he loves it there!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from across the world!!
Goergia is the best and everything is good!!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from across the world!!
Goergia is the best and everything is good!!
Showing off his Utah pride in Georgia...
Scott sent me this lovely picture for my birthday {12/05/09} - he's always been such a tease! He knows I love BYU- but he is a Ute fan, all the way. Oh well, it was great to finally get a picture from him and to see him still showing off his team pride, no matter who he's cheering for :)
Saturday, February 19, 2011
July 22, 2009
We're coming up on his SIX MONTH mark and we can hardly believe it! Feels like we just dropped him off at the MTC! I found a few pictures from that day and thought I'd share- it was a gorgeous summer day and we were so happysad to see him go!
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